Friday 26 June 2015


Vitamins B7 (Biotin) / Anti Egg injury factor/Vitamin H:

Structure of Vit B7


Egg (yolk), Milk, Liver, Kidney, Green Leafy Vegetables

Metabolic Role:

·    it takes part Catalyses in CO2 transfer process.
·    Conversion of Acetyle CoA into Melonyle CoA
    ·    Propionyle CoA conversion to methyl malonyl CoA
·    Conversion of pyrevic  acid to oxyaloauetate:

Active Form of Biotin: (Biocytin)

How it is form: Vitamins B7 attaches to the lysine residue of carboxylase and it attach by the amide linkages and water module is removed. This process is called Biotinylation. This require ATP and it is synthesize by Holocarboxylasesynthetase.


 25-50 µ or mcg


Symptoms are
·    In animal (rat and mice)
1    Circumocular alopecia: also called spectacle-eyed appearance.
2    Ilind – Limb paralysis
·    In Humans:
1    Dermatitis of extremities (parts that are far like hands/legs)
2    Pallol of the skiin (Pale skin)
3    Pallol of mucus membrane
4    Muscle Pains
5    Somnolene
6    Hyper-Cholesteriotemia
7    Anemai
8    Depression
9    Hyperaesthesia (abnormal increase in sensitiVitaminsy to the senses such as tactile or auditory.)
10    Greyish skin color .Ashian face


1    Decreases in the holocarboxylasesynthatase:
·    Longenital
·    Deficiency dead to this

2    Deficiency of Biotixdase:
·    Biotixdase cleaves from Biotin from Biosidin

3    Leiner’s disease
·    Low content of Biotin in the milk
    ·    In children it is most common
Leiner’s disease

Reason Why it is Called as Anti-egg white injury factor:

Raw egg white contents avidin (egg protien), it binds with biotin and inactive it does not let it absorp when the rat were fed egg white protein they develop dermitis, hair loss and neuromuscular dysfunction. The syndrome was called egg-white injury. Avidin denatures on heating and the biotin will remain intact.

Why Biotin called Vitamins-H?

Reason: Because H indicate Haar and Haut (Haar if for hair, Haut is for Skin)
It is used in skin and hair problem that’s why it is administrated.


        1    Neuropathy (disease due to nervous system)
        In diabetic neuropathy is common because insulin play role in         lipid, protein. So if insulin is Increase then the nerves transmitting         is also affected.
     2    For hair and nail problem.




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