Cucumis melo Linn. Scientific Name: Cucumis melo Family:Cucurbitaceae English/Common name:Melon Urdu name : Kar-boza Part use...

Cucumis melo Linn. Scientific Name: Cucumis melo Family:Cucurbitaceae English/Common name:Melon Urdu name : Kar-boza Part use...
Prunus amagdalus var ducis. Scientific Name: Prunus amagdalus Family: Rosaceae English/Common name: Almond Urdu name : BA-DAM P...
I never have time for breakfast’ or ‘I can’t wake up early just so that I can eat before leaving for work’ are excuses that we all use so...
14 Tips for Relieving Your Back Pain Sleep Better for Back Pain Relief: When you have back pain, sleeping can be hard. It can be a vi...
Apply a very little White toothpaste on your pimple. Leave it on for 2 hours or over night. Wash it off with a damp washcloth and t...
For all living beings breathing is the only thing which makes them alive – the distinguishing feature between living beings and non-liv...
Generalized aches and pains are very common and are often the reasons that young patients seek medical care. There are multiple medical ...
Welcome to The Pharma World This blog provide you a Platform to better know "WHAT IS INSIDE THE PHARMACY WORLD". Our Mot...
Frequent and some indiscriminate use of some most commonly used painkillers such as NSAIDS ( including newer generation coxibs ) can increa...
History of Pharmacy Here A very Brief and summarized History from the beginning to the future Eras in History Of Pharmacy: ...
The Evolution of Pharmacy Pharmacy: The art of preparing and dispensing drugs. A place where drugs are sold; a drugstore. In ...